30 Days of Yoga
Deepen your practice
Experience the transformational power of yoga
Join us for daily practice, traditional yoga wisdom,
modern exercise science, and ongoing community support.
What would happen if you dedicated yourself to practicing yoga every day for 30 days?
“Through practice,
gently and gradually,
we can collect ourselves
and learn how to be more fully with what we do.”
– Jack Kornfield
Daily yoga
Choose whichever class you like for each of the 30 days!
Ashland Hot Yoga has 6+ classes each day to choose from
Weekly workshops
5 Sunday workshops that cover:
Traditional yoga philosophy as the framework for the journey
Leading research from kinesiology, health and exercise science, psychology, neuroscience, and nutrition
Evidence-based best practices and protocols for health and wellness to support you throughout
Workshops are held on Sundays from 3pm-430pm at Ashland Hot Yoga​
​Organic Green Juice
​Nourish, infuse, and vitalize the body with fresh green juices at each of the Sunday meetings
Community support
Ongoing opportunities for connection and community building throughout the 30 days and beyond
Free Info Meeting
Join us for a fun informational session with hot tea, inspiring stories, Q&A, and a mini yoga and pranayama practice!
Sunday March 31st 3pm - 430pm
Ashland Hot Yoga
2455 Siskiyou blvd
Ashland Or 97520